Nikki Haley enters her YOLO stage

Nikki Haley has entered her YOLO stage.

The last of Donald Trump’s rivals in the GOP primary, Haley is unloading on the former president — proceeding without any real caution for the first time in her campaign.

She’s taking repeated, pointed , shots at an “ unhinged” Trump ’s mental fitness and legal problems. She’s taunting him to debate her: “Show me what you got.” In recent days, her campaign responded to an 815-word memo from Trump’s advisers — a document arguing Haley is toast — with a “Why are you so obsessed with us?” meme from “Mean Girls.”

Then, Haley’s campaign said it was starting a new series of online ads called “Grumpy Old Men” — photoshopping the faces of Trump and President Joe Biden onto a movie poster from the 1993 film of the same name.

Few, if any, believe it will work. And Haley’s let-’er-rip approach comes with serious risk. Attacking Trump so frontally could create a long-term branding problem for her. Already, the MAGA-dominated GOP has accused her of treachery. Trump allies say she’s effectively burned her career in Republican politics.

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