South Carolina Health Department Advocates for Cancer Prevention and Screenings for Local Residents

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is promoting preventive measures and screenings for National Cancer Prevention Month in February. The DHEC aims to educate the public about cancer risk factors and prevention methods. In 2020, South Carolina reported 27,362 new cancer cases, with 11,062 fatalities.

Vinita Leedom, DHEC’s Director of Cancer Programs, stressed the significance of prevention in reducing cancer risk. She urged residents to understand these risk factors to decrease the state’s annual cancer cases.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests several lifestyle choices to reduce cancer risk. These include avoiding tobacco and secondhand smoke, sun protection, limiting alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, and hepatitis C testing. Vaccinations, like the HPV vaccine for preteens and the hepatitis B vaccine, can also reduce cancer risk.

The DHEC recommends regular cancer screenings for certain age groups and those with risk factors. Screenings can identify early signs of cancers such as breast, colorectal, and cervical, improving treatment effectiveness and survival rates.

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