Gov. Henry McMaster vetoes plan that would have benefited SC coastal property owners building sea walls

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WCBD) – S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster on Tuesday announced a number of vetoes he made for the $13 billion state budget that is set to go into effect this week.

The governor issued 21 line-item vetoes, which totaled nearly $2.3 million worth of earmarks.

Among those vetoes is a measure that would have impacted some beachfront homeowners who have built erosion control structures, such as sea walls, to protect their properties.

Under the state’s current BeachFront Management Act, any structure built on critical areas of the coast requires a permit, and sea walls are prohibited.

However, lawmakers agreed to add a pair of provis os to the 2024–2025 fiscal year budget that would have required the Department of Environmental Services to review actions taken regarding violations of the act for erosion control devices and potentially take new action.

It also made it so that if a property owner prevailed in their fight to keep their structure in place, the department would compensate them for costs they incurred to remedy the situation.

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