Are you ready for this week’s snow? Here’s what to buy ahead in case you get snowed in

South Carolina residents are looking forward to seeing snow on Friday and Saturday.

In all the excitement, residents don’t want to forget to prepare ahead ― with the chance of snow comes the chance of getting snowed in.

Here’s what to get from stores to prepare for winter weather.

How should I stock my pantry for winter weather?

Hearing the word “snow” doesn’t mean you need to panic shop, but it is still wise to ensure you and your loved ones don’t go without during unforeseen circumstances, like the power going out or being snowed in. Before the winter weather hits, you can try stocking up on these snowstorm essentials in advance, per Direct Energy :

∎ Bottled water (one gallon per day for at least three days)

∎ Canned foods like warm soups and stews

∎ Snack food (package sealed chips, crackers, and cookies)

∎ Cereal and granola

∎ Anything jarred like jelly, pickles, and meats

∎ Canned tuna and salmon

∎ Shelf-stable peanut butter and other nut butters

∎ Dried pasta and jarred sauce

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