Drought Now Encompassing All Of South Dakota

PIERRE, (KCCR) – Drought continues to increase it’s grip across South Dakota. The entire state is at least considered abnormally dry. In fact, abnormally dry areas increased from zero to 13-percent this week, eliminating all areas of no drought in the state. An area of severe drought had developed in northern Dewey County this week. Six percent of the county is in severe drought with 70-percent in moderate drought. Severe drought grew 44-percent this week in Mellette County. Mellette is now 79-percent in severe drought. Severe drought increased in Jackson County from zero to 33-percent in the south and southeast part of the county. The biggest change was Ziebach County with moderate drought increasing 98-percent from last week. Moderate drought is up 40-percent in western Haakon County. Statewide, extreme drought is at three-percent, with severe drought at 22-percent, moderate drought at 67-percent. Areas with extreme drought include Harding, Butte, Pennington, Custer and Fall River Counties.

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