This story is reported by South Dakota News Watch , a non-profit news organization. Find more in-depth reporting at .
IGLOO, S.D. (SDNW) – David Streeter thought abandoning his traditional life to relocate into a survival bunker in South Dakota would allow his family to retreat from the stresses, expenses and restrictions of the modern world.
The family of three also wanted to be prepared in case an apocalypse of some kind altered the course of mankind and threatened their lives and way of life.
But 18 months after leasing a former Army munitions bunker in the Vivos xPoint residential complex south of Edgemont, the Streeters have had their dreams shattered. And they now find themselves embroiled in a situation that has brought on a level of upheaval, worry and danger they specifically sought to avoid.
“It’s been nothing but a nightmare,” Streeter, 51, said during an interview. “We just wanted to get away from the rat race and live peacefully, but obviously that hasn’t happened.”