Northeast Tenn. school officials urge responsible reporting of school safety concerns

By Buzz Trexler

Star Correspondent

Seventeen school directors throughout Northeast Tennessee issued a joint statement on Tuesday urging the responsible reporting of potential threats to school safety, especially in the wake of “unsubstantiated” posts on social media.

“We encourage our students, staff, and families to speak up if they see or hear anything that could represent a potential safety threat,” the directors said. “However, we ask that they use the appropriate channels to report these issues.”

Elizabethton City Schools Director Richard VanHuss and Carter County Schools Director Brandon Carpenter were among those who put their names to the statement.

“Hoax threats can be highly disruptive to teaching and learning, while causing a great deal of stress and anxiety,” the statement read. “We are asking for the help of our students, staff, families, and community members by not sharing rumors or posts referencing unsubstantiated threats via social media. Doing so only causes more confusion and misinformation to spread, which can make it difficult for law enforcement officials to investigate situations in a timely manner.”

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