Tennessee Senate Democrats Choose Leaders for 2025 Assembly

Legislators will lead party in 2025 General Assembly

Three members of the Tennessee Senate’s Democratic Caucus were chosen by their colleagues to serve in leadership roles ahead of the 2025 session of the General Assembly.

Democrats released a statement announcing the results of their election. The Democratic Leader will be Raumesh Akbari of Memphis, the Caucus Chair will be London Lamar of Memphis, and the Caucus Vice Chair will be Charlane Oliver of Nashville.

The party’s leader (Akbari) organizes legislative action while the Caucus chair typically takes the lead on political matters, including campaigning to increase the number of members elected to the legislature.

Upon election, the group noted they are committed to “advocating for policies that rebuild Tennessee’s middle class by cutting costs for families, boosting income and investing in fundamental services, such as public schools, healthcare and transportation.”

Earlier this year, legislative Democrats released a policy agenda that will guide their actions in the upcoming session of the legislature.

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