Are Texas lawmakers in line with voters on climate change?

Are Texas lawmakers in line with voters on climate change? 06:04

PLANO — From the solar panels on his roof to the electric car in his garage, it’s evident Larry Howe cares about climate change.

“The science is pretty well established,” Howe said. “You keep adding more heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, what’s going to happen?”

In 2012, Howe founded a nonprofit dedicated to educating Plano residents about solar power. And he spends his free time volunteering with the grassroots environmental group Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

Howe has documented his climate journey in online blog posts and calls climate change his No. 1 issue for the November election.

Some might quickly stereotype him as a liberal environmentalist, but Howe is a lifelong Republican. And with the election nearing, Howe said he finds himself at a crossroad.

“If you want my vote, you’ve got to step up on climate and prioritize the issue,” Howe said. “If you’re not prioritizing that issue with the body of evidence on it, then how can I trust you on national security, the border, immigration, the budget — any of those other issues?”

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