Governor Abbott pushes ‘Move Over’ law

“I just think it’s a safety issue,” Waco resident Mollie Callahan said.

Governor Greg Abbott urges drivers to use the “Move Over law” in Texas to save the lives of first responders, construction workers, or TXDOT employees. Mollie Callahan, a resident, said she knows how important this is as a driver.

“We had to pull over to change a tire, and feeling the rush of the cars in that lane really inspires me to wanna move over for other people because it’s terrifying,” Callahan said.

According to data, dozens of emergency responders and tow truck drivers die each year nationwide due to drivers not following the Move Over Law.

Governor Abbott is pressing the issue with a PSA.

“Texas roads are among the deadliest places for law enforcement, first responders, or construction workers, Governor Greg Abbott said. Many drivers fail to move over or slow down when they see flashing lights or construction signs, and Texans are dying over it.”

Callahan isn’t the only driver who moves over when she sees anyone pulled over.

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