Ute Tribe Imposes Ban on Non-Member Hunting and Fishing on Reservation Lands

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January 24, 2024 – Jimmy Dean

The Ute Tribe has announced a significant policy change regarding the use of their lands for hunting, fishing, and recreational activities. Effective immediately, non-members are prohibited from these activities on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah, which encompasses over 4.5 million acres.

Key Points of the Ute Tribe’s Decision

  • Immediate Termination of Permits: All existing permits for non-members related to hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities have been terminated. Additionally, an indefinite moratorium has been placed on issuing new permits to non-members.
  • Protecting Tribal Health and Safety: Chairman Julius T. Murray, III, stated that the decision is a necessary measure to protect the health and safety of tribe members and officers. The action reflects the tribe’s responsibility to safeguard its community and land.
  • Sovereignty and Jurisdiction: The tribe emphasizes that non-member activities on their land are a privilege, not a right. The ban is a response to instances of disrespect toward tribal jurisdiction and sovereignty, as well as the treatment of their homeland.
  • Broader Application: The ban extends beyond hunting and fishing. It also applies to swimming, camping, and other recreational activities on reservation land.

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