Utah needs to pay attention to waning confidence in higher education, says University of Utah president

The University of Utah and other public colleges and universities in Utah are feeling the effects of declining confidence in institutions of higher education nationwide.

One impact has been a decline in recent high school graduates who are interested in going to college.

“We are seeing a massive change in the attitudes towards higher ed nationally. I think those attitudes are also reflected here in the state,” University of Utah President Taylor Randall told members of a legislative committee on Tuesday.

A 2023 Gallup poll indicates confidence in higher education plunged from 57% in 2015 to 36% in 2023.

“You will see that since 2015, there’s no public institution that seems to have lost more confidence (among) Americans than higher ed. I think that is something that we have to listen to, and we have to address,” Randall told members of the Utah Legislature’s Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.

In Utah, a recent Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll showed 52% of Utahns either had a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in institutions of higher education in Utah. Conversely, 31% said they had “some” confidence in Utah’s colleges and universities and 14% said they had very little.

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