Utah lawmaker proposes mandated potty training for kindergarteners

A proposed Utah law would make it illegal for parents to send their kids to kindergarten without potty training them first.

The bill, proposed by state Rep. Douglas Welton, would also establish guidelines to refer a family to a social worker for not adhering to the policy change.

The Republican lawmaker said he was compelled to write HB331 after hearing of three separate kindergarten teachers who were “ready to quit” after they were asked to wipe their students’ bottoms or check their diapers.

“They’re like, ‘This is too much of a risk. I’m not going to risk potty training a kid. They need to come potty trained and ready to go,’” Welton told Desert News.

“You’re asking teachers who already seem to be distrusted a little bit by certain segments of the population and you’re asking them to go and help facilitate a child use the restroom. That’s a big risk that a lot of them don’t want to take and shouldn’t have to take.”

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