Newlyweds stop for photos with angry moose in Utah – it doesn’t end well

The Wasatch Range in Utah is a beautiful spot for wedding photography, but it’s vital to watch out for wildlife, as one couple learned the hard way recently. In a video shared online this week, the pair and a photographer can be seen setting up shots beside a lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon, seemingly unaware of a huge moose racing towards them.

They eventually spot the animal, but rather than moving away, they choose to carry on, which proves to be a poor choice. After a pause the moose charges, sending the three running, and the bride sprawling on the grass.

The video, which you can see below, was shared this week on infamous Instagram account TouronsOfNationalParks , which calls out bad or careless behavior at US National Parks and other sites of natural beauty around the world. such as people holding a ukulele singalong on the rim of the grand canyon , poking moose while drunk , and leading children onto slippery rocks by waterfalls .

Moose are generally curious rather than aggressive, but can be defensive in the spring when cows are protecting their young, and during the rutting season in the fall, when bulls are competing for dominance and the right to mate. The animal in the video above lacks visible antlers, which suggests it isn’t a rutting male and may instead be a female guarding a calf.

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