Lawmakers explore impeachment proceedings against Natalie Cline

The Utah State Legislature is exploring whether to impeach Natalie Cline from the state Board of Education, with House and Senate leaders saying they are appalled by her social media posts that have been called “bullying” for allegedly questioning the gender of a high school student-athlete .

WATCH: Can Natalie Cline be punished by Utah State Board of Education for online comments?

Under Utah law, Cline can’t be recalled, but the legislature may be able to impeach her. On Thursday, Senate leaders who would be involved in an impeachment effort said they are consulting with legal counsel and exploring all options.

“We’re looking at all options to deal with everything and have discussions,” said Senate President J. Stuart Adams, R-Layton.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Senate leaders across the political spectrum called on Cline to resign over the Facebook posts she made targeting a student.

“I think we all agree it was just shocking,” said Senate Minority Leader Luz Escamilla, D-Salt Lake City. “Shock and…”

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