Granite School District passes resolution condemning Natalie Cline

Calling her actions “cowardly, harmful and unacceptable,” the Granite School District Board of Education passed a resolution Friday condemning state board of education member Natalie Cline for targeting a student with false comments earlier this week .

The student’s parents said this is an important step forward.

“Not only for our daughter but for so many children that are going through life just figuring out who they are, and don’t know how to express it, and are already just tormenting themselves,” said her father, Al van der Beek. “And then to throw into the mix, adults that are supposed to be in a position of protection and support in our system, that are the very ones that are harming our children even more and victimizing them.”

During a meeting of the board, no public comment was allowed before the members voted to pass the resolution by a 6-1 vote as well as demand Cline’s resignation.

Following the vote, those in attendance gave the board a standing ovation.

It was a full room with people showing their support for all students and educators by wearing red.

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