The Forward Party won’t run a presidential candidate in 2024. It still plans on influencing the election

Ever since the Forward Party’s inception in 2022, its founders were clear about one thing: it would be some time before a Forward candidate appears on a presidential ballot. The party — a mix of disillusioned politicos of all stripes, attempting the latest disruption of America’s two-party duopoly — would begin by seeking ballot access in individual states and running candidates in local races.

One of those states, Utah, officially recognized the Forward Party late last year. This year, the party will run candidates in six races across the state, from county councils to the state legislature.

To Forward Party brass, running down-ballot candidates could help the party have more influence in the 2024 presidential election than by running a presidential candidate. During a breakfast meeting with Utah Forward Party leadership on Friday, former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman — a Forward Party co-founder and co-chair — explained that Forward Party candidates winning elections across the state could help ensure a secure election.

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