Cox calls DEI overhaul a ‘positive vision’ for struggling students in Utah

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox spoke for the first time on Thursday about his decision to sign legislation banning “discriminatory” DEI practices in public entities and expanding race-neutral student success resources at universities.

Cox, addressing reporters during his monthly televised PBS press conference , thanked state lawmakers for producing what he said was a constructive alternative to bills across the country that defunded campus diversity, equity and inclusion programs without leaving anything in their place.

“This is really a positive vision of how do we help our minority communities and all students who are struggling,” Cox said.


The bill, HB261 , was one of the first high-profile measures to be addressed in the state Legislature this year, receiving a final vote in both chambers before the end of the second week. Cox signed the measure into law on Jan. 30 as part of the first group of bills to leave his desk.

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