President’s Day weekend brings drier conditions and another storm

SALT LAKE CITY ( ABC4 ) — Happy President’s Day weekend, Utah! High pressure is in control, and due to that ridge building, the weekend starts on a dry note with slightly above average temperatures.

Expect increasing cloud cover for a bulk of Utah as we make it through our Saturday, with daytime highs climbing to within a degree or two compared to Friday. Outside of any wet weather, skies will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy up north and partly cloudy to partly sunny down south. Daytime highs will range in the 30s and 40s up north, running about 3-5 degrees above average, while southern Utah gets another day in the 40s and 50s, with St. George reaching the low 60s. Any calm weather won’t last as another storm looks set to move in between late Saturday night into Sunday.

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This storm will kick off a rather unsettled pattern next week. Wet weather looks to move in during the early morning hours of Sunday, and another storm that will keep snow levels between 5,000 and 6000 ft. This storm will follow in the footsteps of recent storms with it being mainly valley rain and mountain snow, with scattered rain showers expected along the Wasatch Front and as far south as the I-70 corridor. Early estimates suggest we could see another half a foot-plus in our northern mountains with maybe some receiving over a foot on Sunday.

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