Lawyers file to dismiss lawsuit over tithing fraud against LDS church, investment arm

NOTE: A lawsuit represents only one side of a story.

SALT LAKE CITY ( ABC4 ) — A recent court filing by lawyers representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ investment arm Ensign Peak Advisors claimed the plaintiffs did not provide sufficient proof of fraud related to the use of tithing donations — and the defense is seeking to have the case dismissed.

The lawyers filed the motion and memorandum in Utah’s District Court on Sept. 10, saying the court should dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice, which means the plaintiffs would be unable to refile the same claim in court.

The LDS church filed a motion to dismiss the case simultaneously, according to documents.

PREVIOUS STORY: LDS Church and its financial arm face second lawsuit over use of donated funds and tithes

The LDS church and Ensign Peak are at the center of several lawsuits, with one recently being filed in Jan. 2024 . According to the Sept. 10 filing, the church’s lawyers seek to dismiss a lawsuit filed at the end of Oct. 2023 by Daniel Chappell, Masen Christensen, and John Oaks.

Story continues