Virginia Takes a Stand Against Salary Discrimination with Revolutionary Legislation

Richmond, Virginia, January 2024 – A groundbreaking law in Virginia is set to revolutionize the employment landscape by promoting wage transparency and combating salary discrimination. This legislation, staunchly championed by State Senator Jennifer Boysko, marks a significant step towards addressing gender pay gaps and enhancing fairness in salary negotiations.

The Genesis of the Legislation

Senator Boysko’s unwavering commitment to this cause is not new. “This is the eighth time I have introduced this legislation,” Boysko said, underscoring her determination to see it through​​. The bill, Senate Bill 370, specifically targets the long-standing practice of employers basing salary offers on prospective employees’ past wages. This practice has been identified as a key factor in perpetuating the gender pay gap.

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap in Virginia is more than just a theoretical issue. A report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics last April highlighted that the median usual weekly earnings of women working full-time in Virginia were only 80% of their male counterparts’ earnings​​. This disparity underscores the urgent need for legislative action to address systemic wage inequality.

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