Virginia public school enrollments are still behind pandemic levels

According to the latest data from the Virginia Department of Education, 1,261,962 students were enrolled in Virginia public schools for the 2023-24 school year. While that is an impressive number, that’s down from previous years.

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, all metro Richmond school districts except Chesterfield have reported fewer students every year since the pandemic. Chesterfield had 64,183 students on its roster this fall, a 1,500 increase over 2019 and a 220 increase over last year.

School districts with a decrease in enrollment

  • Richmond schools saw 21,259 students enrolled at the start of the year, 1,900 fewer than in 2019 and down 350 from last year.
  • Hanover enrolled 16,818 students this fall, 720 fewer students than fall of 2019 and 250 under its 2022 numbers.
  • Henrico’s fall enrollment was 50,464 students, down around 1,320 from 2019, but up 75 pupils from last year.

One reason the districts are concerned is because fewer students means less money for their district.

Virginia Department of Education data

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