The heat and humidity in Virginia may have residual side effects

Be mindful of humidity in other buildings

Safe in in-home humidity says high indoor humidity can affect your mood. You may not be able to remain calm, which increases the risk of heat exhaustion and stroke. This is why, in addition to keeping humidity down in our homes, Virginians need to be mindful of the levels of other buildings.

One day last week, I stopped at three stores while I was out. I was standing in line to pay for gas and felt weak. When I returned home and felt the cool air, I realized all the stores were warm and humid, and cool air was not circulating.

Take precautions against the heat and humidity

In addition, I had taken Claritin-D and had forgotten that hot weather might affect those who take decongestants and antihistamines. After taking the meds, shopping, and standing in line in warm, humid buildings, I was affected as if I were outside in high humidity.

WDBJ7 reports that the heat and moisture in Southwest Virginia will be dangerous in the next few days, so be mindful of your medication. Limiting your time in buildings without working air may also be wise.

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