Cybersickness may be affecting you when you are online mimicking other health issues

WVTF says 40% of Virginians work remotely, which suggests a lot of additional online time from home. Company offices have specific break and lunch hours, but on your own, you might overdo it by skipping meals and working into the wee hours of the morning, which could put you at risk for Cybersickness.

Healthline says Cybersickness is similar to motion sickness. It occurs when your brain receives conflicting messages from your eyes, inner ears, and body, causing you to feel disoriented. You may have noticed these symptoms but did not know what they were.

Cybersickness symptoms include nausea, dizziness, fatigue, headache, and eyestrain. It can affect anyone who spends much time online, including Virginia bloggers, writers, and gamers. The Healthline link above has a detailed listing of what to do to prevent this issue.

The basics are taking breaks from the computer screen, not using multiple devices at once, and making sure the room is well-ventilated. Something that has helped me is looking away to watch television or talk to my children or grandchildren when they come around. Neuroscience News says blue light blockign glasses are also beneficial.

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