Governor Glenn Youngkin Signs Bills to Combat Bigotry and Antisemitism

RICHMOND, Va. – Governor Glenn Youngkin has signed two bills that expand criminal penalties against bigotry. ;

According to an August 28 media release, Youngin signed HB 18 and SB 7 to ensure that ethnicity is explicitly recognized among the protected classes.

“Today we come together as Virginians to sign legislation that builds the framework to take action because hatred, intolerance, and antisemitism have no place in the Commonwealth,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin, via the statement.

“I’m proud to be here today with Governor Youngkin and leaders of Virginia’s Jewish Communities to enshrine these much-needed protections into law. As Israel stands on the verge of a two-front war, I have personally witnessed the atrocities imposed upon the Jewish people based on antisemitic beliefs. We have a moral obligation to stamp it out in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States,” said Senator Bryce Reeves.

A summary of HB 18 and SB 7 reads:

Hate crimes and discrimination; ethnic animosity; penalties. Provides that it is the policy of the Commonwealth to safeguard all individuals within the Commonwealth from unlawful discrimination in employment and in places of public accommodation because of such individual’s ethnic origin and prohibits such discrimination.

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