Some Southwest Virginians once said hindpots for hind parts

Southern dialect can be confusing

Some African American Baby Boomers in Southwest Virginia grew up hearing older relatives tell them to make sure to wash their “hindpots ” when they took a bath. If children misbehaved, they were sometimes told their hindpots would get a “whooping.’

The Southern dialect is quite interesting. Words can be mispronounced for several generations before someone figures out the correct pronunciation. What many Boomers heard as hindpots was hind parts, (for the rear end).

The ah-ha- moment

A recent social media conversation revealed that there are children of Virginia Boomers who thought their parents, grandparents, and other adults were saying to wash the hindpots instead of hind parts. They thought the word was odd, but no one ever asked for an explanation.

Kay P. and Mike L. said they were adults when they figured out what was being said. After seeing someone use the word hind parts online, the lightbulb went off, and they had an ah-ha moment of truth.

This story was originally published here.