Gray Wolf Sightings Reported in Virginia Despite Said Extinction

WINCHESTER, VA – Despite the gray wolf (Canis lupus) being officially declared extirpated in Virginia, occasional sightings continue to be reported across the state.

According to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, once widespread throughout North America, including Virginia, gray wolves are now rare in the continental United States, with most populations found in Alaska, parts of the Rocky Mountains, and around Lake Superior.

The gray wolf is a large canine, much bigger than the common coyote, with a distinct mixture of gray, brown, and black fur and a bushy tail.

While the species was historically present throughout Virginia, it has been absent from the region for decades. However, sightings of wolves or wolf-like creatures persist, often attributed to mistaken identity with coyotes or escaped wolf-dog hybrids, according to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.

According to the City of Hampton, sightings have been reported but in most cases residents have mistaken coyotes for wolves.

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