Truck drivers, trucking company share thoughts on possible ILA strike

The Port of Virginia is preparing for a shutdown ahead of a looming longshoremen strike Oct. 1.

As News 3 has reported, the strike would impact ports from Maine to Texas.

Watch: Economist offers perspective on possible longshoremen strike

Economist offers perspective on possible longshoremen strike

“They’re definitely worried,” truck driver Donte Quarrie said about the people he knows who work at ports.

He doesn’t do a lot of work at ports and is hopeful the strike, if it happens, won’t have a big impact on him, though.

“If I was an owner-operator, then I would be worried because they have to pay for their gas, insurance,” said Quarrie.

Watch: Port of Virginia cuts ribbon on $83 million rail yard expansion

Port of Virginia cuts ribbon on $83 million rail yard expansion

Herman Buckner is another truck driver who has friends who do a lot of work at ports and he worries about them.

“They’re not going to be able to pay their bills,” Buckner said.

Even so, he supports unions and said the looming strike highlights a bigger issue.

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