Gene Deal believe the Potter’s House members are headed for heartbreak

Does Gene Deal know something specific?

Gene Deal, Sean Combs’s former bodyguard, has been vocal about what he witnessed during his time with the music mogul. Not everyone believes his stories, but he tells them anyway.

Recently, during an interview, he said the members of The Potters House would be shaking in their boots because they don’t know if their pastor, Bishop TD Jakes Jakes is on the videos. Deal also addresses an issue Virginians have been discussing for quite some time.

Will the Potter’s House members be devastated?

He said that pastors are men and that faith should be in God. He believes that because of the Potters House members’ belief in their pastor, they will be heartbroken if he turns out to be on tape for any reason. Deal said Jake has a history but did not elaborate,

G. Kasey, a therapist from South West Virginia, agrees. He says that churchgoers look to the pastor rather than seek God for themselves, and when the spiritual leader reveals he is human, they are devastated.

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