Virginians often used popular brand names when referring to similar off-brand products

Generational Habits in Virginia

Virginia parents and grandparents of Baby Boomers and the newly labeled Jones Generation have left enjoyable memories for their descendants that may not be realized until a situation presents itself.

Some refer to all brands of petroleum jelly as Vaseline.Photo byTowfiqu barbhuiyaonUnsplash

Brand vs off-brand

Older generations in the Commonwealth had limited choices for the brands they purchased in grocery stores. As time evolved and off-brands became an option, some continued to say the brand name of the product they had been used to.

Sanitary pads are called Kotex by older generations.Photo byReproductive Health Supplies CoalitiononUnsplash

What’s in a name?

You may have been sent to the store for Tampax, Vaseline, Kleenex, Kotex, and Reynolds Wrap but probably returned home with a different brand of petroleum jelly, facial tissue, sanitary pads, tampons, or aluminum foil brand.

Asking for a Kleenex means you need facial tissues.Photo byDiana PolekhinaonUnsplash

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