Ending Inhumane Practices: Washington Democrats Push for a Statewide Ban on Police Hogtying

In a significant legislative move, Washington House Democrats are advocating for a statewide ban on the controversial police practice of hogtying.

This proposed bill aims to address concerns about the humane treatment of individuals in police custody and encourage the adoption of less-lethal alternatives.

Let’s explore the key aspects of this groundbreaking proposal.

The Push for Change:

Senate Bill 6009, presented by Washington House Democrats, seeks to amend existing legislation governing police use of force. The proposed change specifically targets hogtying, a technique implicated in the tragic death of Manny Ellis in 2020. Testimonies during the Senate Law and Justice Committee hearing emphasized the urgency of passing the bill, citing Ellis’s case as a critical example.

Humanity Over Hogtying:

Supporters of the bill argue that hogtying is not only inhumane but has led to avoidable loss of life. The proposed legislation encourages the use of de-escalation tactics and advocates for less-lethal alternatives.

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