WA could require public schools teach LGBTQ+ history under proposed bill

Public schools in Washington may soon be required to teach students about the contributions and history of LGBTQ+ people under a bill approved by the state Senate last week.

Senate Bill 5462 would mandate school districts in Washington adopt curricula that includes “diverse, equitable, inclusive, age-appropriate instructional materials” on historically marginalized and underrepresented groups.

That includes people of color, people with disabilities, people who are neurodiverse and those from various religious backgrounds.

The bill specifically requires the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, in consultation with the Washington State LGBTQ Commission, to update state learning standards at all grade levels to include “the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people” by Dec. 1, 2024.

The legislation passed the state Senate by a 29-19 vote, largely on party lines. It is now being considered in the House.

State learning standards currently call for students to study the historical perspectives of some marginalized groups, such as tribal communities devastated by European colonization or enslaved and free people of color who resisted oppression in the 13 colonies.

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