How Tall Is Mount Adams?

Mount Adams is a hulking peak that draws hundreds of folks annually to its mountainside. It’s the second-tallest mountain in Washington , so it’s got some serious height to it. Let’s explore where Mount Adams is precisely, as well as how tall it is. We’ll also compare its height to other mountains in Washington and around the world. Finally, we’ll take a look at some of the wildlife you may see if you take a visit to Mount Adams.

Where is Mount Adams?

Mount Adams is located in Washington State. It’s a part of the Cascade Range, as well as the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. It’s in the southwest corner of the state, and the closest big city to the peak is actually Portland, Oregon. The mountain sits directly on the western border of the Yakima Indian Reservation.

Mount Adams mountain sits near some of the most incredible mountains in Washington. It’s just east of Mount Helen, and it’s about 50 miles south of Mount Rainier. That means you could reasonably explore all these great peaks on a week-long trip to the state.

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