‘The people in the state of Washington have spoken’: Rally attendees push for hearings for six initiatives

While they could ultimately end up before voters in November, approximately 200 rally attendees argued on the steps of the State Capitol Jan. 31 that a slate of conservative initiatives should be given hearings during the current legislative session.

There, a collection of legislators — several of whom represent Southwest Washington — and podcaster Brandi Kruse said lawmakers must do so to meet their constitutional responsibilities.

“We are here today to ask the public servants in the building behind us to do one simple thing — to give these initiatives hearings,” Kruse said. “We want them to take just a small amount of time to hear from the Washingtonians who are negatively impacted by their policies.”

The six initiatives, each of which has now been certified by the secretary of state, drew a combined 2.6 million signatures from 800,000 registered voters. They range from a parental bill of rights to repealing the state’s capital gains tax to easing restrictions on vehicle pursuit laws.

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