Sen. John Braun: Democrats’ continued crusade for higher property taxes proves they no longer respect will of the people

One day in November 2007, a Democrat-controlled Legislature, called back into session by a Democrat governor, voted to restore a 1% cap on the growth of property taxes. The tax limit, approved by voters in 2001 through Initiative 747, had been overturned by the state Supreme Court a few weeks earlier on a technicality.

The University of Washington’s office of state relations summed it up this way: “The limitation bill passed easily from both chambers and was signed instantaneously by the Governor. The most popular person in Olympia yesterday seemed to be some fellow called “Will of the People” who was referred to by virtually every speaker in committee or on the floor.”

Republicans know and continue to respect the will of the people. Democrats act like they have either forgotten or don’t care.

On that day 17 years ago, 39 of the Senate’s 49 members supported the 1% cap. Among them were 22 of the 32 Democratic senators.

How things have changed. Now a majority of the Senate’s Democrats are backing Senate Bill 5770, which would lift the cap to 3% and clear the way for the largest property-tax increase in Washington history. Three of these senators exemplify the swing away from the will of the people; as legislators in 2007 they voted to reinstate the 1% limit, and today they’re sponsoring the bill to do the opposite.

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