Bill requiring AEDs in gyms unanimously passes Senate

A new bill requiring semiautomatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in fitness centers passed the Washington Senate with unanimous support last week.

Senate Bill 5592 was originally sponsored by Senator Sam Hunt.

Capitan of Thurston County Search and Rescue, Brian Reiter, died at 49 after suffering a heart attack while working out at a local gym.

His family testified in committee last year in hopes the legislation could save lives.

“This law won’t bring my husband back,” said Kim, Brian’s wife. “But it can keep another family from suffering as we have.”

Officials say time is critical when it comes to heart attacks. Survival rates drop 7% to 10% every minute there isn’t a heartbeat.

“A family turned their loss into action in hopes of saving others’ lives,” Hunt said. “By requiring AEDs in all fitness centers, we take a necessary step towards protecting and providing immediate care for those who suffer from any form of heart disease or trauma.”

The bill now heads to the House.

This story was originally published here.