Experience the Serenity of Early Morning Hikes at Our Local Rattlesnake Ledge


The article recounts a sunrise hike at Rattlesnake Ledge on Lunar New Year’s day. The author arrived at 5:30 AM to find an open gate and an empty parking lot. The trail was in good condition, with only a few wet areas. By 6:30 AM, the author was at the viewpoint, waiting for the sunrise. Clouds obscured the sunrise, but the author captured some beautiful colors. The author didn’t see anyone else until reaching the viewpoint. On the descent, they noticed more hikers, suggesting the trail’s popularity without overcrowding, especially in the early morning. The author walked across a dry lake bed to return to the parking lot, indicating a low water level. By 9:15 AM, the parking lot had more cars but was not full. The article concludes by affirming the positive experience of the sunrise hike at Rattlesnake Ledge, despite the obscured sunrise. The trail and facilities were in good condition, and the low water level at the lake bed was noted.

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