Local Woman from Maple Valley Faces Felony Charges for Organized Retail Theft


The Organized Retail Crime Unit, under Attorney General Bob Ferguson, has filed a felony criminal case against a woman from Maple Valley. This is the second case of its kind. Shellonda K. Daniel is charged with two counts of felony first-degree organized retail theft in King County Superior Court. These charges are linked to thefts from 28 Ulta stores in six counties, totaling over $200,000. The thefts range from $1,042 to $19,459 per store. The state law allows the Attorney General to combine the thefts and file charges in one county.

If found guilty, Daniel could face up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine for each count. The Attorney General’s Office will also seek restitution for the thefts. The court documents suggest that Daniel threatened employees and managers. In some cases, she allegedly showed a can of bear spray to employees or customers who approached her or her accomplices.

Assistant Attorney General Jaime Taft is managing the case for Washington. The Attorney General’s Office can only start criminal investigations if a county prosecutor or the governor refers a case to them. In this instance, the office received referrals from six counties. As the prosecutor, the Attorney General’s Office and its representatives are limited in what they can say publicly about the case.

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