Washington Democrats: half of initiatives will get hearings, half will not

(The Center Square) – Three out of six initiatives to the Legislature will receive public hearings, Democratic leaders confirmed on Friday afternoon.

The three measures getting public hearings are Initiative 2081 to establish a parental bill of rights relating to their children’s public school education, Initiative 2111 to prohibit state and local governments from enacting a personal income tax, and Initiative 2113 to remove certain restrictions on when police officers may engage in vehicular pursuits.

The three measures not getting public hearings are Initiative 2109 to repeal the capital gains tax, Initiative 2117 to repeal the Climate Commitment Act, and Initiative 2124 to allow more people to opt out of the state’s long-term care program.

Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, D-Spokane, and House Speaker Laurie Jinkins, D-Tacoma, put out a news release explaining their rationale.

“The three initiatives we are not taking action on would have a dire effect on the day-to-day lives of every single Washingtonian,” the two legislators said. “These initiatives would dramatically decrease quality of life and devastate progress on K-12 education, childcare, clean air, clean water, climate action, and aging with dignity – matters that are important to people across the state. The fiscal notes on I-2109 and I-2117 confirm this and we expect the final fiscal note on I-2124 to reveal the same.”

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