Charting a route to success for Washington State Ferries

Our ferry system is still overwhelmed. Over 3,500 canceled sailings in 2023. A workforce shortage with a “silver tsunami” approaching as hundreds of WSF employees retire. An aging fleet that is facing a daunting $250 million backlog of maintenance.

I see it in the faces of frustrated ferry riders and hear it in their voices at my town halls.

Yet for all that, I’m optimistic about the course we’re charting to get WSF back on track to be a world class ferry service once again.

Let me tell you why.

We have strong new leadership

Last month Steve Nevey took the helm as head of WSF. Nevey is a career mariner with an impressive private sector track record. He has spent the last two years as director of marine operations at WSF and earned recognition from Gov. Inslee for innovative recruitment efforts.

I’m optimistic that under Assistant Secretary Nevey’s leadership, we can face these challenging headwinds and right the ship. Crucially, hardworking WSF Crew are buying in.

We’re investing in our ferry workforce

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