Improving Health Care Affordability in Washington: Options Explored

The Office of the Washington Insurance Commissioner released a new report on Thursday breaking down five policy options that could make health care more affordable in the state.

“We’ve made great strides in getting people access to health coverage in Washington state, but it’s simply not enough,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “Too many people have insurance they can’t afford to use, either because the deductibles are too high or medical costs are growing faster than inflation. This report looks carefully at several options we’ve talked about generally and provides the detailed analysis we’ve needed to help our policymakers find a path forward for consumers, employers and our health care system.”

The report is based on state-specific healthcare claims and spending data, the OIC reports, and estimates how potential savings could increase employment and wages.

The final report asked three questions:

  • What would the impact be on health care spending and the state’s economy if it were implemented in Washington state?
  • Which Washingtonians would see health care savings if the policy was implemented?
  • What implementation issues would the policy face?

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