Is There a Mystery Package in Your Mailbox? Discover the Truth Now

Most people enjoy a mystery when it’s a novel, but this latest mystery is one that no one will enjoy except the perpetrator. Lately, it seems everywhere we turn, there is a new QR code. This article discusses the latest scam plot to separate you from your hard-earned money. Here’s the scenario:

You check your mail and receive an unexpected ring. The ring is quite lovely, and you like it. The brochure invites you to use the enclosed QR code to learn more about the gem. Allegedly, the QR code will tell you the ring’s value and history, and perhaps even a special gift or discount on a matching necklace and earrings. Sounds too good to be true, right?

Be wary, my friends; if it sounds too good to be true, it is probably another scam. They only want to ‘harvest’ your information and personal accounts. If you click this QR code, you just allowed someone else into your phone. Here, they can see everything that you do. Who you call, where you bank, and more. In a matter of minutes, they can drain your bank account.

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