Chinook Salmon Retention Closed in Upper Columbia River

Action: Closes Chinook salmon retention.

Species affected: Chinook salmon.

Specific locations, effective dates, and rules:

  1. Priest Rapids Dam to Rock Island Dam
    • Aug. 16 – 31, 2024: Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit four sockeye. Release all salmon other than sockeye.
  2. Rocky Reach Dam to Wells Dam
    • Aug. 16 – Oct. 15, 2024: Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit four sockeye. Release all salmon other than sockeye.
  3. Wells Dam to Highway 173 Bridge at Brewster
    • Aug. 16 – Sept. 30, 2024: Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit four sockeye. Release all salmon other than sockeye.
  4. A line drawn between Gun Club Road and Pelican Point to Chief Joseph Dam
    • Aug. 16 – Oct. 15, 2024: Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit four sockeye. Release all salmon other than sockeye.
  5. Entiat River
    • Aug. 16 – Sept. 30, 2024: Salmon closed.
  6. Chelan River
    • Aug. 16 – Oct. 15, 2024: Salmon closed.

Reason for action: The non-treaty harvest share for summer Chinook has been met in the Columbia River above Priest Rapids Dam.

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