What do Washington governor’s race candidates say about abortion?

Reproductive health has been a hot topic in Washington’s race for governor between Democratic candidate Bob Ferguson and Republican candidate Dave Reichert.

In various social media posts and campaign emails, Ferguson has repeatedly called Reichert an “anti-choice Republican”, drawing attention to Reichert’s past votes on abortion legislation.

Ferguson’s campaign has said Reichert previously supported a nationwide abortion ban, citing votes in 2013 , 2015 and 2017 on the ” Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act .” The bill sought to ban abortions after 20 weeks, with exceptions for rape and incest.

Reichert argues that he didn’t vote on an abortion ban, rather he voted on legislation that refer to viability.

“I think the law here in Washington state is also similar in that it defines viability as 22, 23, 24 weeks. So I actually voted for legislation that is very similar to Washington state’s abortion law,” Reichert said.

The bill would have also criminalized those who performed or attempted to perform an abortion after those 20 weeks.

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