Worried about losing Medicaid access in Wisconsin? Here’s what to know

June 13, 2024

Wisconsin’s June 2023 restart of annual eligibility checks for Medicaid following a three-year pause has eliminated coverage for more than 360,000 residents, as WPR and Wisconsin Watch reported this month. Some of those disenrolled had struggled to fill out recertification paperwork, and others have faced difficulties in finding alternative insurance plans.

Many who lose Medicaid coverage have turned to the federal Health Insurance Marketplace, where low-income households can qualify for subsidies.

But an increasing number of households are enrolling in plans they don’t need and can’t afford, advocates say.

Here’s what to know about renewing Medicaid coverage, finding alternative plans if need be and avoiding insurance scams.

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid provides health insurance to low-income households. In Wisconsin that includes programs like BadgerCare Plus, which serves children, pregnant people and non-disabled adults. It also pays for long-term care programs for people with disabilities and seniors.

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