New bi-partisan effort in Wisconsin to win over election integrity doubters

Voter confidence in election results is key to our democracy.

But Marquette Law School polling has found nearly two-thirds of Wisconsin Republicans were not confident in the 2020 election results compared to more than 90% of Democrats who were.

In a TMJ4 Lighthouse report, Chief Political Reporter Charles Benson looks at a new nonpartisan effort launched Tuesday to win over doubters of election integrity in Wisconsin.

Tammy Ayers and her husband Lee say they never miss a vote, elections are important to them.

They have no doubt their ballots will be counted correctly. “None whatsoever, said Tammy Ayers, never had that doubt.”

Mandela Barnes has seen his share of election battles. “The best way to ensure trust in an election is to participate in it,” said the former Democratic Lt Governor.

TMJ4 caught up with Barnes and Republican JB Van Hollen at Walker’s Point Anodyne Coffee to talk about election integrity.

The former Wisconsin attorney general was asked if he worries about people losing trust in the election system.

Story continues