Keep safety in mind while celebrating Independence Day

MADISON – Fireworks, barbecues and parties often commemorate Independence Day. During these Fourth of July celebrations, ReadyWisconsin urges everyone to prioritize safety and responsibility.

“Have fun celebrating while keeping safety in mind,” said Wisconsin Emergency Management Administrator Greg Engle. “Everyone, from kids to adults, should take a moment to review safety and preparedness plans to ensure the holiday is memorable and worry-free.”

In 2023, there were 126 emergency room visits in Wisconsin for fireworks-related injuries according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. A quarter of those injured were children less than 18 years old. Children should never handle fireworks and should be closely supervised when they are in use. Even novelties like sparklers can burn at roughly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and easily ignite clothing and cause severe burns.

The easiest and best way to stay safe is to watch community fireworks shows run by professionals. However, if you choose to set off your own fireworks, ReadyWisconsin asks people to remember the following:

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