Take precautions to prevent window strikes

MADISON – Fall migration is underway for many species of migratory birds headed to their overwintering grounds. This means it’s a great time to get outside or keep an eye out your window for some new or interesting bird species!

While fall is an exciting time for bird watching, it also presents some challenges for the birds that are making a long journey across the state, or even across the country. Predators, inclement weather and competition for resources are just a few of the obstacles they may face.

It is also common for birds to strike windows due to the reflection of natural objects and not being able to perceive there is a barrier. You can help by making windows more visible to mitigate bird strikes by applying decals or tape in a closely spaced pattern or installing external screens.

Another option is hanging ribbons or cords in a closely spaced, vertical pattern in front of windows. At night, close drapes or curtains to reduce the chance of birds being attracted to and flying into lighted windows.

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