Letters: None of the top 25 CEOs in Wisconsin is a woman. Now, there’s a news story.

Here is what struck me about the article on Oct. 17 regarding the compensation of Wisconsin CEOs at public companies: None in the top 25 were women (“ Top 25 pay packages for Wisconsin CEOs ”).

Perhaps another article just about that would be appropriate.

Robert DeRoche, Greendale

Opinion: Wisconsin will vote on a referendum question Nov. 5. Like others, it’s confusing.

Opinion: Former WTMJ radio host calls Trump threat to democracy. Conservative endorses VP.

Letters: Same old tired myths about voucher school repeated. Students are fleeing MPS.

Tips for getting your letter to the editor published

Here are some tips to get your views shared with your friends, family, neighbors and across our state:

  • Please include your name, street address and daytime phone.
  • Generally, we limit letters to 200 words.
  • Cite sources of where you found information or the article that prompted your letter.
  • Be civil and constructive, especially when criticizing.
  • Avoid ad hominem attacks, take issue with a position, not a person.
  • We cannot acknowledge receipt of submissions.
  • We don’t publish poetry, anonymous or open letters.
  • Each writer is limited to one published letter every two months.
  • All letters are subject to editing.

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