‘So blessed:’ Wisconsin State Patrol lieutenant receives liver transplant

A Wisconsin State Patrol lieutenant who has been living with chronic liver disease for more than a decade underwent a liver transplant surgery on Friday.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=2FoGD6_0xJinCIe00 Emily Witkiewicz

Phil Witkiewicz and his wife, Emily, shared the update with TMJ4’s Mary Jo Ola after initially reaching out to spread the word about his need for a new liver.

-Read our previous coverage of this story

Witkiewicz was diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis 14 years ago. The couple discovered his condition after applying for life insurance while preparing for a growing family. His symptoms had worsened recently.

Emily said the surgery went well and expressed gratitude for the support they’ve received and the blessing of a new liver.

“It went amazing! He is hitting all his goals and has a long way to go, but I definitely just watched a miracle happen,” Emily shared with TMJ4’s Mary Jo Ola. “He is feeling good. He still has a long way to go, but he keeps saying, ‘I am just happy to be here.’”

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=07cqYE_0xJinCIe00 Emily Witkiewicz

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